About This Blog

The public should know all we can about the business of the decision makers that affect our lives, our wallets and our democracy. This is a record of my efforts to try and improve the levels of transparency and accountability within Sheffield City Council and others. To shine a light on how decisions are made and where the money goes. If I can also help others to find their own voice and influence along the way, then that is a bonus.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Welcome Back

Hello and welcome to my website.

As you will see, with the Pandemic and the pressure of campaigning I have not really been very busy on the site for some while.

However I am returning with a bang and a new series of articles published in Now Then magazine talking about the changes in Governance (how the city is run) that are a result of the referendum of May 2021.

Enjoy, and I'll see you again next month, if not sooner.

Click here for Nigel's Now Then Article

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